Evolving Seasons
Earlier in the year, I received some samples of the Evolve QC Weight Clips. Straight away these looked different to other models currently on the market, primarily due to how the swivel was moulded into the housing of the clip.
Upon tying one on, I could immediately see the advantage of this, as my favoured grinner knot was fully protected inside the clip. The other unique feature was the tail rubbers, which came in both ‘+’ and ‘-‘ settings. This regulates the ease in which the weights/leads can be discharged, with the ‘+’ taking more force than the ’-‘.
To start with, it was early spring and with barley any weed around, I saw little point in dropping the weight unnecessarily. I was targeting a soft silty area, so was using slightly lighter weights than usual and this in conjunction with the ‘+’ tail rubber, meant that on the fish that I was fortunate enough to catch, the weight remained on the clip without discharging.
However, as the spring progressed, the weed came up and started to pose a serious problems.
To combat the weed, I chose to switch to slightly heavier weights and the ‘-‘ tail rubbers. Since making this adjustment, the weight has discharged on every hooked fish and they have all been landed successfully.